Relief Charitable Giving | Unique reasons why charity is good for poor

Relief charitable giving is helping needy families through various services. The services which we provide in slums help in meeting the daily nourishment. The Relief India Trust is a registered organization working 24*7 for the poor. 

Our trust aims to provide primary, secondary, and high-level education to the poor. Charitable giving means giving something of your unused to someone in need. Doing charity does not ask for something in return. When we help people, they feel very happy and in return, they give us their blessings. 

The Relief India Trust supported many children and families living in slums. These families are unable to buy food which is why we supply every necessary item. Helping the person in need matters the most. If you do not believe our words first, you donate then you realize on your own that it gives pleasure. 

 In India, about 20 crores population sleeps hungry stomach. To meet food requirements, we came up with the “Feed Needy India Program” initiative. This will help the underprivileged sections to give them a better life. We had helped many families in treating OPD cases like Open heart surgery. We create awareness among the people, about diseases, HIV/Aids, and Cancer. 

What do we do as a Relief Charitable Foundation? 

Food distribution is that service that we are doing before, during, and after Covid. We feed at least 3000 people in a day as compared to the number of hungry people in India. During Covid, our NGO supported families in meeting the rations to the families. Because most of the family belongs to a very low-income group. They are not able to buy the daily necessity for their survival. 

The Relief Charitable Giving NGO arranges medicines and injections for hospitals in need. We provide free-of-cost medical help in rural areas. Families living in slums live in hazardous conditions that invite many diseases. Diseases like cholera, diarrhea, malaria, etc.

The Relief charitable giving provides clothes to the poor. Doing charity creates a habit of donating which will impact the lives of the needy. Relief India Trust had adopted various suitable programs to rehabilitate the children. Along with protecting children, we to focus on saving our environment. 

What is the benefit of Charitable Giving?

The benefit of charitable giving has remained constant throughout the history of humans. Even small donations can make a huge impact and drastically improve the life of one, even just one person. Everyone is busy with their own daily lives and financial responsibilities. In this, we often forget our social obligations. There are many benefits of charitable giving. Some of them are listed below: –

Be the change you want to see 

You must have read and suggested people to good work. But, in reality, very less people do charitable work. For looking for a change in the current situation of society we need to start with ourselves first. 

For understanding, let’s say you have thought that everybody should have a house. The first thing you do will be to tell your friend or family. But what you need to do is first do the same before telling anyone. When you will help others, you will feel the pleasure on your own. Now you are ready to explain your thought practically. People give more value to what they see rather than what they hear. 

It helps us feel part of something bigger than ourselves

Yes, this is true when you help a person in need, you will feel bigger. Not bigger by the body, but bigger in your moral values and ethics. Charitable giving enables people to put their beliefs and values into meaningful action. Adding meaning to your life is very essential for yourself as well. Giving will give your life a direction and help the poor by giving them direction as well. 

It inspires people to treat each other with generosity and dignity. Regardless of their background

Charitable Giving inspires other people around you to do the same. Our NGO serves a family regardless of their background, caste, income status, etc. It is based on the idea that everyone in a community deserves care and opportunity. This benefits individuals as well as the community as a whole. 

Humans are empathetic and compassionate creatures. The charity allows nonprofit organizations to use these qualities to make meaningful change. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed or helpless when faced with large-scale events like poverty or war. 

It allows us to help people and change the world

Yes, this is very true and practical in the real world. If you help people you will start to see a change in the world. If we say that all the support that we manage to offer is all because of your donations! How would you react to that? 

Well, this is true, that we managed to serve families even during the pandemic. All this because we have people like you with big hearts. You supported us and that made us capable to support these families even during Covid. So, what here happened is when you, helped you saw the change. 


Relief charitable giving believes in the holistic development of an individual. Volunteers provide opportunities so that every child understands their potential. If they are literate, they can contribute to the growth of the economy. We are always ready to serve anyone in need. If you also want to help them you are most welcome. If are not willing to volunteer, you can support us by donating to them. We urge you to help us in bringing some relief to their lives. We ensure to help the persons in need in the future too with your support. We are thankful to every volunteer for contributing so much to society. Your work is helping us and the needy to grow better. 

You can visit our website for detailed information. You can donate to us at. Follow our work on social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. If you have any issues or suggestions, you can call us.

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